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Thermal Energy Publishes Whitepaper for TÜV SÜD

Thermal Energy has published a whitepaper for TÜV SÜD to inspire further trust in Venturi Steam Trap Technology.

TÜV SÜD is a subsidiary of TÜV, whose distinctive blue octagonal design is universally recognised as a symbol of safety, security and sustainability. The organization aims to inspire people to ‘trust and embrace new technologies and innovations.’ 

Recognising Thermal Energy’s expertise using venturi steam trapping technology, and particularly the extensive work Thermal Energy has completed delivering GEM Steam Trap projects for a leading tyre manufacturer, TÜV SÜD approached Thermal Energy to produce a whitepaper to assist and encourage those organizations who may have overlooked the potential of venturi steam traps in the past.  

Steam is used in nearly all major industrial processes, with the United Nations stating that industrial steam systems account for around 30% of manufacturing energy use worldwide. 

Mechanical steam traps, as opposed to venturi steam traps, remain the standard choice for industry despite their recognized average failure rate of approximately 10% per year. The failures cost organizations thousands each year in replacement parts and energy losses.  

Despite Venturi technology having 10-year performance guarantees, no opportunity for open failures that waste energy, and have been proven superior in independent laboratory studies and industry for over 25 years, the technology is still sometimes regarded as comparatively new, rather than as a technological advancement on previous poor performing steam trapping options. 

Thermal Energy engineer Kieran James, and Director of Business Development & Technology Sam Mawby authored the document, ‘A Practical Guide to Realising Cost Savings and Associated Energy Reductions Through Retrofitting Traditional Mechanical Steam Traps with Venturi Traps’.  

The document looks at the scale of savings that can be achieved through converting existing mechanical traps to venturi traps and the perceived barriers to their use. Included is a review of laboratory test results and field studies identifying significant energy savings and performance benefits against existing well-maintained populations of mechanical steam traps. 

Eliminating failed open mechanical steam traps from industry has the potential to save 4.5Mt carbon/yr in the U.S. alone and as energy prices soar, it is essential organizations using steam understand there is a proven superior technology readily available in GEM Steam Traps to deliver long-term year on year energy savings.

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